Advisors – Beings who oversee the activities of Vampires in the world and report directly to the Council Primus.
Agony, The – A period of acute pain lasting up to three days following an incomplete Turn in which a Being’s Venom is not fully depleted or a Turn is attempted before complete Venom replenishment.
Afterlife – The span of a Being’s existence from the Turn until his or her termination, or Final Death.
Ambulance Chaser – A Being who chooses to feed on the dying in hospitals, usually with a Kevorkian Doctor or hospital morgue attendant/mortician under Thrall.
Attendants – Selected Beings who exclusively serve each Primary within the Council Complex.
Balance, The – The concept that all creatures on this planet have purpose, even prey, for the good of the long-term ecosystem.
Blood Bar – A gathering spot for Beings stocked with unusual, exotic animal or human blood purchased by the glass or bulb.
Bloodlust – A primitive and irresistible compulsion to indiscriminately hunt humans after the first 48 hours of the Thirst if other prey is not secured.
Bond – A physiological and chemical reaction between a Neophyte and his or her Sire which facilitates the Sire’s duty to train the Chosen One over the course of approximately twenty years.
Bondmate – Sire and Neophyte, one or both members of a Bonded pair.
Bulb – A heavy balloon like container which is filled with blood, made with silicone or other malleable material that can be pierced by teeth to simulate biting into living flesh. Usually found in Blood Bars.
Chosen One – The human selected by a Vampire to be Turned. Sometimes called a Potential.
Collectors – Beings who lure and capture Human prey for the purpose of Hunting Parties in Gladiator Communities or Human Hunt Lodges.
Community – Any group of Vampires who live, work and hunt together.
Companions – A pair of Beings who stay together for an extended period of time, often a century or more. These relationships can be romantic or companionable and usually break up by mutual agreement.
Compel – The ability of a Sire to control a Neophyte, especially during the first few years of the Bond.
Council Primus – Created by Lilith, a group of five ancient Beings who sit in judgment of all Vampires. Their word is the ultimate, final law and cannot be disputed.
Cycle – The time between feedings, often coinciding with the lunar cycle, about every 28 days.
Doldrums – A condition that affects Beings who are not engaged in the world, who do not consider the consequences of their individual actions to the Natural World. Vampires who are caught up in the Doldrums have a tendency to become Revenants.
Executioner – A diet that allows feeding on law-breaking humans. Beings who follow this Deathstyle work with human law enforcement under Thrall.
Final Death – The actual cessation of Existence from any known physical realm.
God – A Higher Nether Being who is believed to have created the earth, the Netherworld and all creatures. There have been no confirmed sightings or interactions since six hundred years after the creation of humanity.
Grocer – A Being or group of Beings who act as a go-between between Vampires and various services, including Juiceboxes, Hunting Lodges, Turning Seconds, Orthos, Barbers, Matchmakers, Reinvention Specialists, etc.
Horde – A hunting group of Vampires, most of who are on the verge of becoming revenants.
Hunt, The – The urge to physically chase down or outsmart prey.
Interval – The time between The Thirst, typically one moon cycle, or roughly 28 days.
Judge – A Vampire who chooses to feed exclusively on human evil-doers.
Juice Box – A human under Thrall who elects to be partially drained for a fee. Sometimes referred to as Cup O’ Soup.
Lilith – The progenitor of our Race. There have been no confirmed sightings since 1482.
Low Beings – A Being who has degraded over time into a less than a wholly sentient killing creature, one step above Revenants.
Mark, The – The spot where a Sire bites into a Chosen One, which remains throughout the Afterlife as a slightly raised discolored spot on the skin. This Mark becomes the access spot for Venom.
Matchmakers – A Being or team of Beings who arrange sexual, personal or business meetings among Vampires.
Monster – A derisive term for Revenant.
Move On/Moving On – The act of reinventing oneself by “dying” or relocating to a different region.
Munchies – Eating for pleasure when not overcome with The Thirst
Netherbeings – A colloquial term that applies to Vampires, Lycanthropes, Demons, Ghosts, Sylphs, Wraiths, Trolls, and Faeries; any creature or race of non-human sentient and semi-sentient creatures.
Neophyte – A newly Turned Vampire, under a Sire’s Bond
Offal Pit – A hole dug to contain Vampire waste from the Void.
Protector – Exacts a “tithe” from a human community the Being protects. Currently only found in isolated or third world countries.
Reinvention Specialists – Beings who specialize in creating new identities, complete backgrounds, documents, logistics, etc. for Vampires when moving on.
Renfield – A human under Servant Thrall who is bound to a particular Vampire.
Revenant – Any Being of the Netherworld who becomes beast-like in their actions, eschewing sentient thought for an animal existence. Sometimes referred to as a Monster.
Rush, The – The initial euphoria that follows every Feeding.
Second – A Being who contracts to oversee the Turn by a Vampire and assists controlling the Neophyte until the Bond takes effect.
Sentinels – Beings who monitor all Vampire activities and report directly to the Council Primus Advisors.
Servant Thrall – The deepest Thrall where a Vampire strips away a human’s free will and creates a bonded servant.
Sire – The Turning Vampire during the training phase of his or her Chosen One.
Slayer – A modern term for Van Helsing, popularized by the cult television show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Soulmates – A pair of Beings who, either romantically or by way of deep commitment, elect to stay together for millennia. Note: This term does not in any way assume or preclude the existence of a “soul” in both or either party.
Street Cleaner – A Vampire who exclusively feeds on homeless, usually focusing on the mentally deranged, drunks or drug addicts.
Thirst, The – An overpowering urge to Feed, once per Cycle.
Transfusion – The complete replacement of blood between a human and Sire during the Turn.
Troubles of 1652 – An uprising of old world Vampires in Eastern Europe (now Hungary) against the New Order in the Council Primus.
Turn, The –The individual experience of the change from human into Vampire.
Van Helsings – A human who attempts to seek out and execute Vampires or other Netherworld creatures. Also called Slayers.
Vegan – A Vampire who chooses to feed only on Animals, live hunts or packaged animal blood. No human blood is ingested in any form.
Vegetarian – A Vampire who feeds on animals, supplemented with packaged human blood and/or Juice Boxes.
Venom – The naturally occurring substance that allows Vampires to Turn humans.
Viceroy – One of two Beings who observe and record all Council Chamber activities. May become Primaries when needed.
Void/Voiding – The body’s physical emptying of old blood and bodily waste after any Feeding.